June 3, 2016

Olive oil FAQ

Our olive oil is produced from 100% fresh olive juice. We supply only the very best to you. There are no chemical treatment, no solvents, only olive oil in its purest form.
And in order to understand the olive oil varieties they are set apart not by the type of olive that’s used, but the by the process used to extract the juice from the olive as well as the additives and the oil’s level of free oleic acid.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • Considered the highest quality olive oil with superior fruity taste produced by mechanical means only and contains no more than 0.8% acidity per 100 grams. Anything beyond this cannot be called extra virgin.
  • Extra-virgin olive oil accounts for less than 10% of oil in many producing countries;
    the percentage is far higher in the Mediterranean countries (Greece: 80%, Italy: 65%, Spain 50%). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olive_oil#Varieties

Virgin olive oil

  • Is a lower quality olive oil obtained directly from olives and solely by mechanical means with an acidity level of up to 1.5% per 100 grams

Refined olive oil

  • Refined oils comprising exclusively from olive oils that have undergone refining and oils obtained directly from olives that have little or no olive aroma, flavor, or color and are from blending in few percent of extra-virgin oil.


  • Is the oil extracted from the pomace and then often blended with a virgin olive oil. It is suitable for consumption, but cannot be described as olive oil.

Differences between the Extra Virgin Olive Oil and other grades of oil

The Extra Virgin Olive Oil is produced by simply crushing fresh olives and olive juice extraction (olive oil) is a pressure or centrifugation. All other characteristics labelled as ”pure oil ” are refined oils for the production of which requires high heat and chemical treatment.

Why is it called “Extra Virgin Olive Oil”?

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil is unrefined oil and the highest-quality olive oil you can buy, since it’s not treated with chemicals or altered by temperature.
  • It is classified in the category of virgin olive oil and an assurance that the oil contains less than 0.8% acidity with superior taste.

Greece is the only country worldwide, that 80% of its production is Extra Virgin Olive Oil, the largest amount in the world. So we know more about the quality of olive oil than any other country.

What is acidity in extra virgin olive oil?

The acidity is the measure that determines the acid content in the oil. The olive oil acidity is one of the main criteria for quality. The lower the acidity, the more quality is oil. Free fatty acids of olive oil modulate acidity. The higher the acidity, the more numerous are the fatty acids. Typically, the oils have good flavor and odor and have low acidity, i.e less than 0.8%. Extra virgin olive oil has a low acidity of 0.1% to 0.8%, which is one of the many features that makes it rare and fine olive oil and so it is classified as top in its class.

What are the health benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil?

The consumption of Extra Virgin Olive Oil is often likened to a “health bomb”. We mention some of the health benefits of the Extra Virgin Olive Oil:

It’s not just an olive oil to flavor your every dishes, it has proven health benefits and is a very important ingredient in your everyday diet which can make the difference in your health due to its approved health claim for olive oil polyphenols.

What are other the uses for Extra virgin olive oil?

Starting from ancient Greece, the olive oil has been known and honored for many of its health and beauty benefits. You will probably know that it is used for massage or for moisturizing and nourishing face masks. Throughout the historical course it was, and remains, a cleansing, moisturizing, antioxidant, and even an antibacterial agent. As a natural beauty product, “The Extra Virgin Olive Oil” has many applications so it is used as a key ingredient for many facial and body cosmetics.

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